Oil skimmer specially developed for coolant emulsions, but can also be used for other applications.
- disc-Ø 200, 250, 300 and 365 mm
- motor: 230 V, 50 Hz, 3 watt, synchron gear motor according to VDE 0530/0730, to fit according protection class I, to earth
- separating between disc (water part) and unit through plastic connection
- with integrated bonnet
- For fixed mounting
- total made of stainless steel, wipers of PTFE adjustable
- for easy, simple and undemanding applications
- for small coolant emulsion tanks
- for machining machines
- small degreasing bathes
- to cater for longer lifetime of the coolant emulsion
- preferabel unit let run if oil is available, ease and floating on top
Special Design: thread nozzle R 1″ AG, clamping feature, ready to fit a drain hose, level switch for oil collecting tank

For not or only less unsteadiness and high levels. At fall of levels up to lower edge of the disc the delivery of oil will be go back up to zero.
- robust industrial construction
- free lying shaft (partial with counter bearing)
- maintenance free
- extrem steep and large volumed drains
- clean wiping
- no oil impounding in the drains at usual viscosity
- small constructind design with large capacity
- also according to ATEX
- special design possible

For continuous and discontinuous separating oil and liquid grease floating on surface in spots or connected layers, as a thick layer or film or small spots from cold or hot condensate neutral up to basic or acid in calm and strong moving water.
For ground-water rehabilitation (bymeans of deep well), basin of treating, coolant amulsion, industrial effluents, Oil collecting basins, habour basin, refineries, railway depots, industrials washing-separators, shipping, degreasing bathes in galvanic firms (and industrial for metal processing), manufacturers for eatable oils, washing plants (for tankers, cars, lorries, busses, trams, trains, panzer/armor …). Oils, liquid grease, petrol, kerosene, solvents and similar.
Performance range
Oil sticks to both sides of the down moving belt part, transported to top over the driving roll and nearly wiped off dry on down moving belt side, squashing away oil on the inside the belt is impossible with our rolls. Steep drains avoid, in usually viscocity, an oil block or splash over. Oil is quickly drained. Exactly horizontal mounting is not required. Floating solid parts and wind do not influence the function.
Dependet from oil layer thickness, viscosity, disc-Ø, submersible depth, water movement and speed. Rough appr. figure per each disc in standard speed: half disc width on top of water level in mm = l/h.
Special design
Total made of polypropylen PP, multiple discs, as a floating unit, according to ATEX, pressure air drive, hydraulic drive, oil outlet heightened and in one line with the disc (special at heavy fluently fluid).
Example to read performance curve
How much oil in l/h at following operating condition:
viscosity = 160 mm2/s (cSt)
oil layer thickness = 10 mm
speed = 16 mm–1
dimension for transporting width x = 500 mm
Result: without binding 500 l/h
* 16 min-1 only type OTF-2B size 400 and higher, further OTF-4B 50 up to 200/1 and OTF-5B 100 and 200 (the 16 min-1 curve in accordance about the capacity also for all other OTF-types in standard speed, which can be higher or slower), (not for types OTF-BE valid).
Without binding
- for simple applications, spezial at metal-cutting machines
- disc-Ø 205, 300 and 400 mm
- disc 205 and 300 Ø mm made of stainless steel, 400 Ø mm made of plastic
- oil recovery rate without obligation at best covered oil layer up to 5 l/h
- temperature at disc of stainless steel up to 90 °C and of plastic up to 80 °C
- motor: connection 230 V (one phase only), 50 Hz, operating voltage 12 V, with loose time switch, with shock-proof plug and cable, integrated transformer and adjustable speed over setting voltage
- mounting over strong foot magnet
- wipers of polyurethane PU
- with 2 setting possibilities over lever screws, thereby the built-in position can be installed in the best way
- for simple and undismanding applications
- for small coolant emulsion tanks
- For Processing machines
- for small degreasing bathes
- to cater for longer lifetime for the coolant emulsion
- preferable unit run if oil is available, oil is settled down and floating on top